Manifestation of learning… example

By Administrator 123erty

Dear All

Swami Vivekananda cautioned the world on the inefficiencies of present-day education because it lacked definite goal which can be put to action. He related examples of (i) a sculptor has a clear idea about what he wants to shape out of the marble block; similarly, (ii) a painter knows what he is going to paint. But some teachers, he says, have no clear idea about the goal of their teaching.  As a teacher, I viewed Swamiji’s statement more critically than ever.  A sculptor, painter or a potter can foresee what the outcome is because they use inputs and output is tangible….but for a teacher both of these are intangible????  Can a teacher foresee the outcome of learning in a student at the end of his course?  Can it be from the class participation? Can it be from performance evaluation of the course?  Can it be from grade in the course A+, A or D!!!? Oh…all these sound goods but these are too short-term.

I wanted to identify the learning in my students from my course.  Yesterday morning when I opened my mail box, I was welcomed by a mail from Ms. Garima Nagpal one of our MBA-ITBM Student of the 2010-12 batch (recently passed out) working with KPMG, Bangalore.

I am happy to share her e-mail, which reinforced my belief in my students’ learning…..

—– Original Message —–

From:Nagpal Garima 

To: Prof.S V K Bharathi 

Sent: Tuesday, May 08, 2012 10:12 AM

Subject: Hello Sir


Hello Sir,

 How are you?

 How is SCIT and other faculties?

 It has been 3 weeks that I joined KPMG in Bangalore. Yesterday was my first client meeting. Due to confidentiality I cannot disclose the name or service line of the client. But  the client is an ERP-Oracle user.


Since it was my first client meeting in a shadow project, I was there to learn how to interact with the client and how to do my job as a consultant. However, I can say that I was able to do justice to my role yesterday at the client’s place by understanding their requirements and business processes. The sales order to cash cycle and in between checking the inventory and procure to good receipt cycle – I could relate to all of them, thanks to all what you taught us in the classrooms and especially the hands-on sessions and scenario practices that we had on SAP.

 Thank you so much, Sir.

 Moreover, since I did my research in Business Intelligence for dissertation project, under your guidance and our courses on BI & Analytics in 3rd as well as 4th semester, I am eager to learn about BI & Analytics projects and services offered by KPMG.


I am looking forward to make my journey in KPMG full of learning and growth in the time ahead.

Thank you for being a mentor and an inspiration for me and my friends – Nikhil Sarup, Abhishek Gandhi & Parampreet Singh at SCIT.

Anticipating a reply

Thanks & Regards,

Garima Nagpal

Management Consulting – IT Advisory


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