SCIT student shortlisted in SAP Data Geek Competition | Blog

By Administrator 123erty

Dear All,

“SAP Data Geek” is a worldwide competition for analyzing data and creating visualization.

One SCITian’s (Mr. Varun Markodi’s ) pursuing his MBA @ SCIT  submission has been shortlisted in Top – 3 Finalist in “The Prodigy – The Best Student Entry” category.

If you VOTE for his submission it would help him to win the final challenge.
Varuns Entry is : Analyzing Workforce Distribution

STEPS to vote :
1. Go to “Data Geek Finalist” Page Click here
2. Go to “The Prodigy” Category and click on “VOTE HERE”
3. Select “Analyzing the Workforce – Varun Mankodi” and Submit form.

I am sure all of you will vote ....The winners of each category will be announced via SAP Lumira YouTube Channel on Friday December 13th, 2013. The winner in each category with the most votes will receive an exclusive Data Geek badge on the SCN and will be crowned the Ultimate Data Geek for 2013!

Dr Raman

Director- SCIT

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