“Surya Shibir” – A memorable experience
In most of the colleges and institutes students start their college life with lectures and classes. We here at Symbiosis Center for Information Technology started our college life with an amazing two day outbound programme at Surya Shibir – a resort 50kms from Pune.
I found this idea of breaking the ice among the students very different and new.
This two day programme made two hundred strangers, friends with each other.
These two days were very well planned, managed and included all sort of activities, games and events. It started with a trek, where people completed this tiring trek with great enthusiasm and energy, also everyone had a sense of responsibility, team work and helping attitude. All other activities and games added a lot more fun.
The two hour cultural event brought all the talent in front of us. We all started this outbound programme with all new faces and unknown people but ended this trip with happy faces and friends all around.