I vs Society

By Administrator 123erty

Published On: August 3, 2013Categories: Student's Blog0 Comments on I vs Society

Parental pressure, Career pressure, Peer pressure, Weight pressure, Date pressure, pressure to be thin and list are endless…Urban Youth feel pressured with enormous number of such factors. Thus the word stress chips in. Every other individual says I’m feeling stressed, it has become a day to day word of every urban family.
Are we actually burdened with more we can handle? So how does one deal with it?
“It’s all in your hands”

I believe the answers lies within us. Set the priorities straight and we should be able to decide on the things where in we want to focus and the things we do not want to indulge in, no matter how lucrative they may seem.

“A diamond doesn’t start out polished and shining. It once was nothing special, but with enough pressure and time, becomes spectacular. I’m that diamond.”
-Solange Nicole

Be happy of the pressure because of a diamond is only created by the enormous pressure and heat is put into. All the pressure will ultimately lead us to become shining gems of the society.



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