By Administrator 123erty

3rd August 1999 was the day, SCIT as an institution made its debut in the education arena. It’s been 13 years since that day and here we are today when SCIT has established itself as one of the premier IT B-school. Despite this being the foundation day of SCIT we students had our regular lectures as usual and only 2 hours were allocated for the SCIT foundation day celebrations. The SCIT foundation day function was jointly organised by the juniors and seniors. Here’s a broad view of the activities we had that day :


The function was started by our Director Dr. Raman and he asked us some questions on the history of SCIT and distributed gifts to the students who answered those questions correctly. To be honest, I came to know many facts about SCIT from that quiz. One of the most peculiar fact was that Rashmi Maam is the youngest faculty (quite an eye-opener).  Dr.Raman, then made way for the students to take over from there.


This was the first time that I witnessed a MIME act and I must say it was a wonderful performance by the students. The MIME act performed by the seniors was better than the one performed by the juniors but then I have to appreciate the juniors act as it was the first time that they were performing a MIME act.


The skit was based on the people of India and how corruption has changed the Indians. Chirayu was by far the best in the skit and ably supported by everyone else in the skit.


Anish and Rashee sang a wonderful duet song and to be frank Anish was flawless in his performance though Rashee made some mistakes when she sang on higher pitch (I am might be wrong). Nevertheless it was a wonderful performance by both of them.

BAND (Juniors)

The band “Mantra” was just awesome to say the least. Ishan was outstanding when he performed on the song “Tere Naina” and Chirayu was good for his song “Maula mere”. Dhruv and Malav were best at their respective expertise.

BAND (Seniors)

The seniors outperformed the juniors yet again. The lead singer of the band was just awesome and so were the entire team that supported him. A special mention about the Bass guitar player, She was awesome.


The function’s surprise came in the form of a dance performance by none other than our Finance Professor Mrs.Rashmi Gairola. She performed a Kathak dance and it was an outstanding performance. Hats off to her for coming up with such a performance and I really can’t imagine how she must have felt performing in front of the students, her colleagues and in the front of Dr. Raman – Director SCIT . The best part in Rashmi Maam’s dance was her expressions, speed and accuracy. Everyone gave a standing applauseto her after her performance.

I had planned to skip this event but really I am happy that I attended this event and I had a wonderful time and expect many more fun-filled events like this in the near future.

Must say- Every thing at SCIT is an experience.. a life time experience

Allen – MBA ITBM (2012- 2014 )

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