By Administrator 123erty

Published On: July 7, 2012Categories: Student's Blog0 Comments on SAMARAMBH-SCINTILLATING START

One of the most awaited event for the students of SCIT was really outstanding. Weeks of hard work paid off for all the participants who managed to put up a brilliant performance. The event was thoroughly enjoyed and appreciated by both students and faculty. Let me mention some of the noteworthy performances in Samarambh


The dance proceedings were started by Ritwika who danced to a wonderful classical number, Bharatnatyam to be more specific and she was outstanding in her performance. It was followed by an energetic Bhanghra group dance which was scintillating right from start to end. Then of course the next performance was by me(Allen Kenny) and well I am not the right person to comment on that performance. And finally came the western dance group which was good but on the negative side it was a bit too long but still the group managed to keep the energy level the same throughout the dance.


The skit was hilarious but was filled with  double meaning, which could have been avoided. The skit was also a bit too long and had some long pauses in between. We could have  done a better job !


Hats off to the people who were involved in the Spiderman filler….It was funny and had the crowd laughing like mad !!


It looked as if I was watching a real fashion show. All girls walked like models and all the boys looked handsome in their respective attire. The Arabic theme rocked.


The band was the perfect finish to Samarambh and OH MY GOD….what amazing  singers  we have!  The singers completely rocked the show and brought the crowd on their feet. Just one word to describe the band….AWESOME… or should I say there is no single word which can describe the performance?


Ruhi and Sneha (girls who were part of Western dance) are really superb dancers but to be very frank, the choreography didn’t suit their style of dancing but nevertheless Ruhi and Sneha you both are superb dancers.

Sourav and Vikrant were the only ones who performed well in the Western dance group

Sumit Jaiswal rocked as the lead dancer of Bhanghra dance group and as KARAN in the skit. He was outstanding to say the least.

To be very honest, many have become  fan of Ritwika. I heard that she hurt her knee while practising and hence she could not give her best -compared to what she performed when she had come for auditions. She is the best dancer I have come across at SCIT because If a person can do classical dance then any other form of  dance is not an issue at all!

Tanushree as Mamta di and Sourav as Ruk Ruk Khan were outstanding and so were Akshita as Sonia Gandhi and Kirtiman as AB.

Sonam Sharma was the show-stopper for the Arabic theme and let me tell you she was the best performer in the fashion show.

Chirayu was by far the best singer and he completely rocked. And Richa….where were you yaar?….I didn’t see you in the auditions..She was amazing and the best singer in girls. Also Dhruv and Malav rocked in their respective expertise.


Well, we need to thank Prakhar and Sourav Rath for handling all these events for the past two weeks. Also a special thanks to all the SPOC’s without whom these events would not have been possible.

And the final Thank you goes for the audience who were a livewire during the entire show.

Allen Kenny- SCIT

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