Guest Lecture on Security Fundamentals | SCIT Blog

By Administrator 123erty

The need for Information Security is growing day by day in all organizations and keeping up with the changing pattern of threats and vulnerabilities is very important for organizations as well as individuals. On July 16th, 2016, a guest lecture on “Security Fundamentals and Management in Business Organizations” by Mr. Gaurav Deshpande, Sales Leader at IBM, Mumbai, was organized for the 1st-semester students of MBA-ITBM and PGPITBM. Mr. Deshpande is a proud alumnus of SCIT and has many years of experience in the field of Security and Management. He started off by telling us about the days when he used to be seated in the audience during his college life here and made us feel comfortable by encouraging us to feel free to ask him questions at any point of the session.

At the beginning, he gave us a brief idea about the evolving threat landscape around us and its three shifts, which are Data which is a natural resource and is a new basis for competitive advantage, Cloud which is transforming IT and Business processes into digital services and Mobile and Social networks which are transforming individual engagement. He explained with the help of interesting examples, how adopting new business models and technologies is beneficial, yet increases the vulnerabilities radically. He went on to explain the Emerging Security trends, by explaining the different Security drivers like Ransomware attacks, human errors, innovation, compliance, and skills gap which can be major threats to security. With the help of interesting charts and graphs, he explained the number of attacks that happen every week, the sources of such attacks and the impact they have on organizations. He told us about the various technologies and network infrastructure that are being used by organizations today, like Intrusion Detection and Prevention Systems(IDPS), Unified Threat Management(UTM) etc.

The last part of the session was about the Next Era of security where he introduced us to the different types of Security Operation Centres which will be integrated and possessing cognitive and analytical intelligence along with the advantages of cloud. He also went on to say that how various organizations have to collaborate in order to protect themselves from future attacks. This was indeed an interesting and informative session in the field of Information Security and about the impact it can have on our day to day lives if important services are attacked. We students, look forward to more such guest lectures which will help us in widening our knowledge base.


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