The Green Car

By Administrator 123erty

Published On: August 5, 2013Categories: Student's Blog0 Comments on The Green Car

“There ain’t no such thing as a free lunch.”

Everything comes with a price and to get one thing we have to trade it with something else. Well we as human beings paid the price for the technical advancement to make our lives comfortable by paying compromising on the environment. The most pressing issues the human race faces today is environmental degradation through pollution. People are stirring to the call to save the environment and any invention that is eco-friendly and economical is nothing but a welcome relief.

The AIRPod built and designed by Motor Development International (MDI) is an answer to the need for ecological energies, production of non-pollutant vehicles and the way crude oil can be replaced by air as an alternative source of energy. The car runs on compressed air and comes with many benefits.
The AIRPod is small is a thing straight out of a science fiction movie. The small sized vehicle replaces petrol which makes it economical and saves on huge expenditures along with resolving the parking space issues because of its size. The list doesn’t ends here for the zero emission concept gives one the mental peace that one can travel around places without really harming the environment. For all those who are addicted to gaming this one gives you the feel that you are actually playing rather than driving-it comes with a joystick instead of a steering wheel. The speed of the car is one issue which is being worked upon as the present maximum speed is 40 miles per hour.
The Tata’s who have given the common man an answer to his aspirations of buying a car through “Tata Nano” have got the license of MDI’S air power technology and maybe few years down the lane we would be able to witness the smart car.

Till the time we wait let’s not get laid back with our efforts to save the Earth. Let’s join hands to balance the technological advancements with the environment concerns through our efforts to minimize the damage and to go green to eventually save it from dying.

Anubha Purwar

(MBA-ITBM 2013-15)

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