Rules on Roads do Matter
General Quotes like “Drive Safely”, “Avoid Drunk and Drive” do not effectively capture the minds of thousand people driving on the road. It is for this reason that it is important to reinforce safety rules, regulations and awareness among the public and the youth in particular. In an environment like school and college, the factor of enthusiasm and carelessness emboldens youth to not pay heed to safety rules thereby leading to fatal accidents.
To the youth, riding bikes is more about flaunting their masculinity and power than means of commuting. By vrooming the bike at an exorbitant speed, hands free riding and what not, they put themselves at the mercy of critical care at the hospitals for their lives to be saved. Accidents are becoming unusually common in India. About 40% of the accidents that happen lead to deaths. 54% of the accidents sustain head injury. Apart from the motor cycles meeting with accidents, it is also the trucks, Lorries and other heavy vehicles that are prone to accidents. History has it that none of the truck or lorry drivers manage an escape from the accident and ultimately lose their lives. The hidden ghost behind the occurrence of fatal accidents is – SPEED. The desire to overspeed without paying attention to the sign boards that dictate the maximum permissible speed leads to the most undesirable happenings.
The occurrence of an accident is a two edged sword that affects not just one but two lives at the same moment. Therefore, road safety and awareness among people needs to be created by means of awareness campaigns . Every individual must consider it important to follow the rules on road for their self benefit. The most primitive step is to familiarize everyone with the road signs. Road signs act as catalysts in inducing precaution. Effectively understanding and following the signs on the board will help every individual on the run to be rest assured of a safe travel.
Swetha Sivakumar
PRN: 13030241183
MBA ITBM 2013-15