By Administrator 123erty


On 22-10-2012, I was done with my first semester examination papers (MBA). I had booked train at 5.40 PM for Nagpur (Home City) on the very same day. I was excited to go home after a long time. Train came 20 minutes late and I left Pune Junction at 6.00 PM.

As per my plan I waited for train to start. As soon as train started moving I opened my laptop to watch movies. I had intentionally booked upper seat so that no one can disturb me. Upper seat is like full time bed. 3A coach, plug in socket for charging just next to me, Upper seat and in Addition to that lots of movies in hard disk,

Me + Laptop + Bed = “PERFECT”

But Errrrrrrrrrrr!!!!! Shit, I forgot to bring my head phones. It was like rocket launching got failed just because of one nut not fitted well into bolts. Next most important question came my mind, what to do now? I didn’t want to disturb other passengers, so I picked my phone and started chatting with friends on “WhatsApp” but soon got bored. I tried to sleep. But it was too early for sleep so I started thinking what all things had happened in last few days. Suddenly I woke up; I opened my laptop and started writing this blog.

8 days were left for first Semester. Everyone was engaged in their studies.  Study from morning to late night was a daily routine. But every Indian always prefer their heart over mind, and when it comes to cricket and that to a must win match ( with a good run rate) against ODI number one team South Africa(SA) who wants to miss that thriller. ‘D- Campus Boys Hostel’ witnessed that particular nail-beating Twenty-20 World cup semi final qualifier match. At D-Hostel we have one common TV room. Rarely students sit and spent time there. But on that particular day, in spite of having exams, “TV – Room” was fully occupied one hour in advance. 7.30 PM was the time for match to start. For India it was a must win match with at least 32 Runs or to chase a target in 16 over.   Final result: India won. But India failed to qualify because of low run rate. Everyone got upset. But it was exam time and everyone again focused on exam preparations.

Just 5 days before exams our Student Social Responsibility (SSR) Team organized a tree plantation drive. As decided we went to Baner hills. Number of students turn out were less because same day we had “Matrix Event” to celebrate Cyber security Month. I enjoyed a lot and expect everyone had. Every year SSR in collaboration with “Clean Earth (NGO)” organizes tree plantation drive. There we learned the art of water preservation and how to avoid soil erosion apart from tree plantation.

Next day, I went library to issue some books for semester preparation. No prescribed books were available. All of them were issued well 5 days in advance. I picked my bag and left Library. I was looking for my roommate so I peeped at reading room. Oh My God!!! Not a single chair was unoccupied and everyone was looking like a scientist with their heads dig down in books. It seems like as if scientists are searching for a clue to solve most complex questions of all time. A glance at library and Reading room gave me idea that I was in a serious need of study.

In between, our Director Sir called for a Batch meet and addressed us. He said academics is important but don’t focus only on studies. He advised not to take papers so seriously because it is just a part of evaluations. He further suggested to take initiatives in extracurricular. That Batch meet was really good to calm our minds.

Date: 12-Oct-2012, Time: 11.00 AM:  The D-Day. Bell rung and we started writing our first examination paper (Marketing).

Days went and then came

Date: 22-Oct-2012, Time: 12.30 PM: Again Bell rung, but it was final bell for 1st semester. Hurrah!!!!!

Those 11 days, flew away like 1 day. Most of students find Economics, ERP and Infrastructure Essential papers tough. Almost all of us are happy with our performance in Statistics, Principle of marketing, Marketing, Organizational Behavior  and System Analysis. No consensus on accounting paper is found, some found it very difficult and for some it was most easy paper to have.

Overall it’s a satisfactory performance. Let us wait for Results. All the very Best for results. I hope Indian Players will bring T-20 Champions trophy home one more time. Mr. Chopra went away too soon.

I wish all of you have great time during Semester Break.

Now its 8.30 PM, 22-oct-2012, Time for dinner and a long sleep. Meet you all at 29-Oct-2012 …. 🙂


Harshal Pathrabe

SCIT| 2012-14

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