Beginning of @ New Journey @SCIT
I had been working for an Manufacturing organisation from the past 3 years & being a B Tech in Mechanical Engineering I wasn’t so sure about what was going to come in the future. But having experienced the downtrend of the automobile hub in the past 3 years I had to make up a choice of continuing with the same profile or switching with something different that was booming continuously.I landed up with ” The Road Less Taken By”.
MBA – Yes it’s a Quite often choice for an experienced guy, but in a field with very irrelevant background makes it very difficult to digest for many.It was same for me.Having been offered courses in SIIB & SIBM Bengaluru as well I decided to opt out of them & chose “SCIT-A premier IT B School”
You must be wondering why the hell? Reason was extremely simple. IT gives you an ample opportunity in long run to have a good work life balance & show case your real talent & build you as a person with high respect & reputation which is what I am here for.
On the very first day when i.e. 6th June 2014 I started my journey in this reputed institute of Symbiosis International University. Right from the childhood,being a passout from DPS, I had been listening to my seniors getting admission in Symbiosis college & as expected had built a narrow dream of getting into it as well once I grow up.The realisation of this very dream come true made me feel honored and a deep sense of pride enlightened my heart for being able to achieve the same.
On arrival to the college I met with a batch of almost 200 students coming from various regions all over India.The induction started very soon with the intro session.Never I had experienced games linked to identification of a new person this exciting.It was professor Shazi & Anuradha Madam, who set the tempo for us. Slowly & joyfully I started to gel up with few of them & broke the ice.It was a wonderful feeling already to join the likes of such an extremely jolly & energetic youth.It made me motivated & got excited that once again I have got this opportunity to enjoy what I had missed out in my college & engineering days. Life had given me another chance to resurrect myself.
Whether the path chosen by me will work in favor or against me is a question for the future.But surely I feel it’s going to be a new chapter in my life with lots of moments to remember & cherish about.
A toast “To the future”.
Cheers everyone !!