My first day at SCIT-New Chapter
Well My 1st day at SCIT was not in the SCIT campus but was in the resort of Surya shibir. Surya shibir is the annual trip that the first year symbiosis students are taken to for the bonding sessions and to enjoy our very own mother nature.
To be honest,I was a little skeptical as to how the day would unfold as I had joined the college almost a week late and I had not met anyone but to my surprise it was easily the best trip I had,right from the trek to the ice breaking sessions,everything was excellent and I learned so much not only about my fellow friends but about me also.
I was happy with my first day at SCIT. First days are meant to be something special, this is what precisely happened.
On second thoughts, I can say that my handwritten experience about the first day is my first step towards my MBA career.