My First day at SCIT- Positive Vibes all around!!

By Administrator 123erty

IMG_20140611_114002315_HDRThough I missed my first day at SCIT due to preponement of induction program due to unavoidable circumstances but I reached SCIT on 5th June amidst beautiful landscapes in pune. I came here by train. First thing that impressed me is refreshing weather in pune. SCIT is located against the backdrops of Hinjewadi, Pune.

First I went to the boys D-Hostel situated just near the symbiosis infotech campus at a walking distance of 7-8 minutes. After completing the initial registration process I was given my room keys. Each room in the hostel accommodates 3 guys. Yougant Taneja & Vinay Bhaishankar (one from Pune- Work-Ex Guy and other one from Mumbai-Fresher) were the other 2 guys were my room-mates who already reached 2 days before me. They were pretty settled by then. They helped a lot in kick-starting my hostel life.

After that I reached SCIT campus. Symbiosis Infotech Campus in itself has a unique aura of its own. Entering into the campus I felt a positive vibe around myself. Positivity was in the air to do something extra-something different-something innovative.Vibrant colours of walls made me feel happy to be here.Lots of hustle-bustle was around was making the whole environment more lively.Class rooms were spacious. Internet labs were full with latest PC’s. What made me more confident about myself is the whole situation out here in SCIT.

I went to the dining hall to have lunch. Lunch comprised of variety of foods and it was very spacious. Food was really tasty and the sweet dish made the red cherry on the delicious cake.

After lunch a faculty guided me to assembly hall for a group activity. First day welcomed me with a beautiful roman launcher activity by respected faculties. Faculties are very helpful and friendly with students. I was amazed by the level of participation by each student and guidance by faculty throughout the activity.

Then I was guided by a senior for health care and gym for a visit to SCHC (Symbiosis Centre for Health Care) & SIC gym. SCHC was very big and supported with all the modern facilities like X-Ray, OPD, Dental etc. SIC gym was equipped with all the things a student wishes for like treadmill, cross-trainer etc. Personal Trainer was also available. Then I visited the swimming pool, it was very clean and life-saver was present there to constantly vigil the students learning swimming for the first time. I was really impressed by all such facilities at one place.

I was very happy at my choice for choosing MBA at SCIT. Recollecting all these I went to dinner. Luckily I seated with my dinner plate with a senior in front of me (Unknowingly that he is a senior). Suddenly he asked my name and my profile background. After that he congratulated me and introduced himself. He told many stories of himself in SCIT and how his previous year went by. He finished his dinner telling me that I will have a “LIFE TIME EXPERIENCE” here. I reached my hostel room very happy and slept well thanking the god for all this. I thought of the positive belief in myself that I will do something different and innovative and determined myself to reach my goals soon!!!!!!

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