By Administrator 123erty

Published On: August 5, 2013Categories: Student's Blog0 Comments on WOMEN EMPOWERMENT

The roles a woman plays in various aspects of life are many. At home, on job, in society, as mothers, wives, sisters, daughters, learners, workers, citizens, leaders.

But are they being treated fairly and equally? Are they empowered enough by the society? Lets have a look…


Indira Gandhi, the first lady prime minister, for four terms, including three consecutive terms from 1966 to 1977.

Pratibha Devisingh Patil, the first lady president of India.

Indira Nooyi, Chairman and CEO of Pepsi Co, is the fourth most powerful women in the world.


Nineteenth century witnessed reform movement for women, with various issues like sati practice, violence, child marriage, and employment being addressed.

With the introduction of the National Policy for Empowerment of Women, the Government of India had declared year 2001 as Women’s Empowerment Year.

It was said, “Our vision in the new century of a nation where women are equal partners with men”. Many new projects were launched like Swashakti and Stree Shakti for women’s empowerment; Swayam Sidha to benefit 100,000 women through micro-credit programs, Balika Samrudhi Yojana for the girl child and many more.


If you think a lot has been done for woman empowerment, think again. Some of the issues which women a still facing in this present world:

1) Cases of female-infanticides are still on rise (both reported and un-reported)

2) Some are not even sent to schools ever.

3) Numbers of pre-age marriages are also significant.

4) Dowry related harassment and deaths are still in news now and then.

5) Harassment at work place, sexual or otherwise, though mainly unreported, is significant.

6) Sati is still being practiced in many villages across the country.

7) The legislative strength of women is still less than 10%


The list is long. But such attitude and gender bias is eating away a human form. The respect has been replaced with discrimination.

In its first ever gender gap study covering 58 nations, the World Economic Forum has ranked India a lowly 53. The report titled

‘The Women’s Empowerment: Measuring the Global Gender Gap’ measures the gap between women and men in five critical areas like economic participation, economic opportunity, political empowerment, access to education and access to reproductive health care.

The low ranking reflects the large disparity between men and women in all five areas of the index.


We call ourselves the next super-power. But can we be acknowledged as a super-power or as a matter of fact, a developed nation, when there is such discrimination in the society? No.

A lot is still to be done, miles to go….

debarati dey-SCIT MBA(ITBM)2013-2015

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