Agile- Change is the only constant (September)

By Administrator 123erty

Agile- Change is the only constant
With the onset of the e-talk series for 2021-2022, another inspiring guest lecture was conducted on 28th August. The topic of the event was “Agile- Change is the only constant” and was delivered by Mr. Mrinal Murdia, who is the product manager at Nagarro. The speaker started the lecture with the agenda and gave a brief understanding of the concepts of Agile and its different methodologies.
Mr. Murdia also explained the difference between the traditional and agile methods. Further, Mr. Murdia continued by introducing the agile manifesto and different process that is selected in agile compared to other methods like waterfall. Later, he also talked about what are the challenges of testing in agile. He then discussed the SCRUM framework and the roles and responsibilities related to it. In this part of the lecture, he gave an overview of the SCRUM framework and how it is used in agile, along with its characteristics.
Along with the interaction with the students and answering their questions, Mr. Murdia continued the session by explaining the roles and responsibilities of a Scrum Master and a product owner. He gave an overview of SCRUM where he discussed the different phases that happen in it like product backlog, sprint planning meeting, sprint backlog, and others. To ensure that students understand the concept, he also shared certain examples that could relate to the topic.
During the last part of the interactive session, Mr. Murdia shared a few charts that helped students to grasp the concepts easily and was nothing less than a cherry on the cake. He explained how SDLC is implemented in the waterfall approach, iterative approach, and agile approach and the time taken by each approach. Summing up, the session was informative and gave a good platform for the students to enhance their knowledge and get a better understanding of the topic.

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