The Right “Wrong”

By Administrator 123erty

Published On: July 29, 2013Categories: Student's Blog0 Comments on The Right “Wrong”

‘Half our mistakes in life arise from feeling where we ought to think, and thinking where we ought to feel.” – John Churton Collins

Nothing in the life can decide one of the either from right or wrong. Some may accept, others may not but everyone has some bit of loneliness in them. If you are the one who accepts it, ‘Bingo!’ nothing like it! As for the rest it is herculean task. We have no choice but to move on.

Accept your own ‘aloneness’ and stick to it, all your life. And then accept the times when the gap is filled in, when they come. But they’ve got to come. You can’t force them. And when those times come, embrace them! Don’t run away from them, because loneliness is right around the corner.

As puzzle pieces never fall in place at a time, situations and people in life do the same. To eliminate the loneliness everyone seeks a relationship, if not the person, get the dog! This leads to more of loneliness as you are with the right “wrong” person. We have a habit of blaming the person we are in relationship with, because this way we avoid facing our conscience and analyze our mistakes. The need to be with the person was nothing but a reason to escape aloneness. Yet again we go back and repeat the same mistake.

Everyone wants someone “very right” to hide their wrong. However, in their quest to do so, they forget that right is nothing but the minimal flavor of wrong. Instead of looking for a solution on our own making ourselves truly who we are, we attract that wrong person in our life to walk with us throughout the lifetime.

Go on with life, commit some mistakes, explore the dimensions and find yourself in the process. Once you have sorted yourself out, the energies in the universe will unite to do the magic: The right person who’ll polish off the wrong in you.


vruta chotalia

(MBA-ITBM 2013-15)

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