Independence Day Event at SCIT, Pune

On August 15th, SCIT, Pune, celebrated India’s Independence Day with great enthusiasm and patriotic fervour. The event commenced with the hoisting of the national flag by our Director Dr Dhanya Pramod, accompanied by the singing of the national anthem, evoking a sense of pride and unity among attendees. This was followed by Dr Netra Neelam, Director, SCMHRD, and Dr Alka Maurya, Director SIIB, who gave mesmerizing speeches.
The celebration continued with a series of cultural performances by students, including traditional dances, and patriotic songs. These performances highlighted the rich cultural heritage of India and the importance of unity in diversity.
A keynote address was delivered by our campus administrator Colonel S K Mishra, who emphasized the significance of independence and encouraged students to contribute positively to the nation’s growth.
Our Director Dr Dhanya Pramod shared her appreciation for all the staff and personnel of the institute and distributed flags and pinwheels to the children of the staff.
The event concluded with a vote of thanks, acknowledging the efforts of all participants and organizers. Refreshments were served, providing a moment for informal interaction and camaraderie among students, faculty, and staff.
Overall, the Independence Day event was a memorable celebration, fostering a deep sense of national pride and community spirit.